Let me ask you: Which email sign off do you use? Do you say ‘Cheers’ or ‘Thanks?’
Pffff. Boooring!
You might say: “Who cares?”
But think about it, wouldn’t you like to leave a positive and more memorable impression in your emails? Why not, right?
Leaving a positive impact, and getting a pleasant emotional reaction, out of readers has not only helped me get responses, but it’s also won me a ton of business.
I recently went through a mental shift:
Now I treat every email as a way to communicate and get stuff done, while also evoking positive feelings and helping my audience remember me.
I send a LOT of cold emails. This shift has allowed me to ensure I get a 30% response rate on any cold outreach campaign I run.
Stop being boring!
Here are some interesting ways to sign off that have worked well for me. Each example serves a particular purpose, so make sure you use them in the appropriate context!
To congratulate, compliment
Great working with you,
Send this compliment to someone who you enjoyed working with while wrapping up your last project with them. Furthermore, this keeps the door open for future collaboration down the road by showing you like them and their work.
Keep up the great work,
If someone is doing work for you, give them on a pat on the back when they deserve it. Most of all, such email endings go a long way in encouraging someone to keep giving you their A game.
OR …
Either way, keep up the great work!
If you’re asking your contact to do something, lower the pressure by showing you’re ok with whichever answer they give you. Consequently, more likely they will agree or at least tell you no, knowing you aren’t pressuring them to act one way or the other.
You always [something they always do with positive effect],
You always bring a smile to my face,
It’s nice to acknowledge the positive effect someone has on you. A lot of people think “They probably already know, why bother?” but people are not mind readers! Hearing you say those words will probably confirm it for them you hold them in high regard.
Keep up the great work [something they do well],
Keep up the great work helping students discover their passions,
Everybody loves praise and giving it them encourages them to keep going. A lot of people lose motivation after a while because they have no clue the impact they’re making on other lives. Be a force that counters other human beings’ natural negative bias!

Never underestimate the power of a personalized, relevant compliment.
But don’t waste time personalizing those emails one-by-one. Use a tool like Mailshake to: 1) personalize hundreds of emails all at once, 2) schedule those emails to send on your schedule, and 3) automate follow-ups if they don’t reply.
I use Mailshake to automate my cold email outreach, and it’s the tool I recommend.
Click below to sign up for Mailshake.
Try Mailshake NowTo your continued success,
Has your contact been on a roll lately? Encourage them to keep it going.
You’re an inspiration,
Reserve this compliment for people who really inspire you to look at the world differently or to do something different. Furthermore, don’t just assume inspirational people get praise all the time so yours won’t matter much. As long as they know you’re being genuine, it will.
Just a simple acknowledgement and pat on the back for someone who got good news.
You rock,
Someone helped you? Maybe make them feel good about it with something a little more personal than just thanks.
Stay awesome,
Humans love flattery. Even if they feel it’s not 100% genuine. Why not bring a smile to someone’s face and remind them you think highly of them? Especially if it only takes typing a few words?
Express gratitude, appreciation
Thank you for [something specific they did to help you],
Being grateful for someone helping you goes a long way. Don’t just say a generic thanks in your email endings either. Acknowledge exactly what they did to help you. It probably reassures them that their assistance did not go to waste and you really did benefit from it.
Thank you for taking the time to [what they did for you],
Time is often people’s most valuable resource so if they spend some of it to help you, acknowledge they did and in which way. People often feel others don’t realize the amount of time they put into doing something (as a measure of their effort) so being acknowledged for it and not just the act itself probably makes them feel good.
Thanks for the consideration,
Send this one when you apply to something. In addition, it works great when you want to express gratitude for being given the opportunity without being presumptuous of what will happen next.

This ending comes in handy when doing outreach to folks you haven’t worked with in a while. It reminds them of your previous connection in a positive, “them-focused” way.
You can use my favorite outreach tool, Mailshake, to personalize these thank-you sign-offs in bulk. No need to write out each email, one-by-one.
Click below to sign up for Mailshake.
Try Mailshake NowThank you for your unwavering support,
Someone provided you advice or an ear while you were through something? Acknowledge that and thank them for it. Furthermore, it also subtly implies you’d love to have their ongoing support into the future.
Thanks for always [compliment about something specific they do]
Thanks for always supporting me, thanks for always giving me such valuable advice
When you express gratitude in terms of how someone’s specific actions have helped you, the person probably feels that much better knowing they made a real difference.
Thanks for thinking of me,
If your contact has gone out of their way to do something for you, even something as simple as sharing with you a website they think you may find interesting, show that you appreciate being in your thoughts. Furthermore, this makes them more likely to keep looking out for you in the future.
Many thanks,
Doesn’t a single thanks sound so cold? Maybe you could make it more heartwarming by adding an adjective in front of it.
Really appreciate your help, it means a lot,
Say this when someone has gone above and beyond to help you. Most of all, use it when simple ‘thanks’ or even ‘˜thanks very much’ doesn’t quite capture the full extent of your gratitude.
3, 2, 1, blastoff!
Your contact just launched something? Pump them up and feed into their euphoric mood. Especially relevant if you know that the prospect is anticipating some big news.
To an amazing [time/week/weekend/rest of the week],
This one is again another feel good message and also presents you as a positive easygoing person.
Have a splendid day/week/weekend,
There’s a reason why Hallmark has a greeting card for every possible situation. Niceties work! While it depends on when you expect to talk to your contact next, sending some positive vibes their way in your email endings never hurts.
Look forward to [verb] soon,
Verbs can include: chatting, connecting
This email ending subtly reminds the contact of the next step you’d like them to take without looking like you’re pressuring them to or presuming they will.

Take it to the next level when sending a cold email by adding a link to some research data or insight you have about a topic your recipient is interested in.
With Mailshake, you can track which of your recipients click on the link you shared, and even create specific follow-up email sequences for recipients who click the link, and for those who don’t.
Click below to sign up for Mailshake.
Try Mailshake NowStay tuned,
If you have to do something like look for information to continue the conversation, saying “Let me get back to you after I find it” sounds unnecessarily wordy. Stay tuned keeps it light and fun. Probably something often needed in email conversations.
I’ll circle back to you shortly,
If you cannot immediately answer a question your contact is asking, depending on the urgency or priority of their request, it helps to acknowledge you received it. Then reassure them that you’ll get back to them soon. Since very people have the courtesy to do this, people will remember you for not leaving them hanging.
Have a great trip, take lots of pics!
Obviously, this one is only suitable sendoff to someone going on a trip. Or maybe you could be a smart ass about it and say it to contacts who are literally visiting the next town over.
Can’t wait to [event] with you,
Have an event planned soon with the person you’re emailing? Once they see your excitement for it, they’ll probably likely also anticipate it more.
Until next time, stay [compliment or blessing],
Until next time, stay warm
First this shows that you hope to reconnect with them at some point. Second, a simple positive thought goes a long way to show that you care about the other person in some way.
See you soon,
This is just a simple sendoff for when you have already made plans to see someone soon. Consequently, use it only if you actually have such plans on the horizon.
Get ready for [superlative describing event]
Get ready for the best birthday of your life
As some psychologists say, the anticipation can be better than the event itself so perhaps do build up people’s excitement for it!
Until I reemerge from under my rock,
This one is meant to be funny. Consequently, it would be especially on point if the topic of the email touches upon how you’re often behind on the latest news and trends.
Safe and happy travels!
Only use such email endings to wish someone traveling soon a great time. Furthermore, it shows you are aware of or remember what they told you about their plans.
The countdown to [event/holiday] begins,
For example:
The countdown to Christmas begins,
This is to lift people’s moods a bit, reminding them that something exciting is only X days away.
Talk soon,
Sweet and simple. This one simply conveys that your intent to talk to someone soon so they have that to look forward to.
Cheering on, well wishes
Wishing you lots of [good thing],
Good things can include happiness and even chocolate, whatever the person likes.
Just a feel good way to end the message. This is more appropriate for friends and people you already have some rapport with. Otherwise it can probably come off as insincere.
Wish you a happy [holiday],
If you’re sending an email close to a holiday, wish them a good one. If your contact is from a different background, earn brownie points by researching what holidays their culture observes to wish them a happy time celebrating that.
Go shake a tailfeather,
Maybe someone is about to attend a party or event? Use a more creative way to wish them a good time.
Sending positive vibes your way,
Someone just got bad news? And need some cheering up? Or are about to face something difficult? Instead of using a cliche that has lost a lot of meaning like “Good luck”, say it in a more genuine way. Maybe they just might actually believe it!
Hope life’s treating you well,
Such email endings are suitable for people that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Just a general blessing without presuming their life has gone a certain way since your last conversation. Therefore, use it only for people you haven’t been in touch with, not people you see every two days.
Hope this helps,
You can say this if you provide someone with the information or advice they were seeking. Just a pleasantry expressing hope that you can resolve their problem or question.
Now go kick some ass,
Nothing like encouraging someone to give it their best and showing you have the confidence in them to do it.
Keep fighting the good fight,
This email ending is for the revolutionaries among your contacts who never accepts things as they are or takes no for an answer. Just a simple but specific encouragement, personalized to the character of your contact.
Go get ’em tiger,
If contact about to do something important, cheer them on and give them an important confidence boost. It probably works best in a casual setting.
Go knock it out of the park,
Whether it’s a presentation or speech, if your contact has to do something soon that’s important to them, cheer them on for the best case scenario.
Keep your head high,
If your contact experienced a negative event (moderately, don’t use this for someone who had a life changing experience), give them the strength to soldier onward and face another day.
May you be surrounded by [something nice] soon,
May you be surrounded by blooming flowers soon,
Put your contact in a good mood by conjuring a happy scenario for them. Personalize the scenario to what would make your contact most happy.
Wish you many more days of walking on sunshine,
Your contact just received very good news? Keep their happy mood lasting longer by wishing them many more days of it.
Wish you a singin’ dancin’ good time,
When it’s not enough to just wish someone a good time, it’s probably a good idea to kick it up a notch. What would people do when they’re doing/getting what you describe in the greeting? Add those action verbs to your email endings!
Hope you feel better soon,
Has your contact expressed they are not well emotionally or physically? Maybe you can show that you care and wish them well. Since this email ending is thoughtful and professional enough, you can use it for everyone.
Warm hearted, personal, soothing
Peace and love,
This one is kind of hippie but if it fits your personality of sunshine and rainbows, go for it! Never hurts to spread a little more positivity to this world. Note: It’s probably best to avoid sending this to cynical people because they’ll just think you’re full of B.S. You can’t change other people but you can change how you speak with them. 🙂
Warmest regards,
This one sounds much more formal than ‘many hugs’ but there are certain people you can’t just act all chummy towards. Warmest regards conveys that same warmth in email endings a professional manner so you avoid raising any eyebrows. Most importantly, you can use it in a formal setting.
Many hugs,
This is one that I personally use in emails to my subscribers. It works because:
- a) I don’t know anyone else who uses it, so it’s original
- b) Although I can’t hug my audience in person, the human mind still conjures some of the feelings associated with a hug, just by reading the word
Image courtesy of Snappa.
Perhaps your contact is into spirituality, yoga and energy flow. Speak their language and send them blessings using words from this.
Carpe diem,
Even though the saying itself has become a cliche simply because everybody uses it, very few people use it as email endings. Consequently, it would make for a slightly more interesting feel good signoff than ‘˜best regards.’
Enjoy basking in the rays,
This is a good email ending or signoff for sunny days. Especially for contacts who do not get to see much of it. Of course be sensitive and maybe don’t send this one to someone who has an incredibly busy day or don’t ever get to leave their cubicle.’
Calls to Action
Let me know what you think,
A simple request for further communication. Consequently, such email endings can turn into a gentle request for feedback when you want the recipient’s thoughts on something.
Let me know if this looks interesting,
When you’re asking the recipient to do something for you like write about your company or share your resource, this is how Sapph from Art of Emails recommends signing off email endings. Furthermore, it’s a gentle way to get their opinion on it (hopefully revealing what action they intend to take) without pressuring them or presuming they’ll do anything.
PS: You may find this interesting: [link]
Whether you’re writing to a colleague or friend, sharing something you think they may enjoy always puts you in a league above the rest. It shows that you’ve been paying attention to their interests and remembered it to think “Oh, Susie would love this” when coming across a piece of content.

This works very well when the goal of your cold outreach is to build a relationship first, rather than push towards a sale. Recipients find it useful if you know exactly what is the next step you need from them, yet leave it to them to take the final decision.
With Mailshake, you can track which of your recipients click on the link you shared, and even create specific follow-up email sequences for recipients who click the link, and for those who don’t.
Click below to sign up for Mailshake.
Try Mailshake NowDon’t forget to [action]!
If there’s an important event happening soon that you would either like your contact to participate in or if it’s something they have to, it doesn’t hurt to remind them. In addition, the exclamation mark at the end makes the line look like a friendly reminder instead of you pressuring them to do something.
Let’s catch up sometime,
This lets you send a feeler in situations when you are not 100% sure if your contact is open to hanging out. Express you want to and then see if they take you up on your offer.
This is for if you just gave someone something that you think they’d find interesting. Especially relevant if you had an important share.
Let’s grab coffee soon,
This one lets you gauge your contact’s interest in hanging out by asking them gently, before locking down any concrete plans.
And if your contact agrees to your coffee invite, then you can put a meeting in motion.
Happy everything,
Want to be a ray of sunshine in someone’s day? This is the maybe perfect email ending or sign off if you are actually bubbly and positive in real life. Otherwise it just comes off as disingenuous or possibly sarcastic.
When words won’t do
Maybe the shortest and the sweetest email ending or signoff possible. It’s mostly to convey your mood when writing your email to them.
Such email endings can only be used if you are a certain type of person (bubbly, loves the world and everyone in it) writing to people who you know fairly well. Consequently, limit it to casual emails sent to certain close contacts.
[insert animated gif]
When words aren’t enough, you can also go animated!
Gmail’s animated mike drop April Fool’s Prank was only disastrous because people mistakenly sent it to the wrong person. But if you choose the perfect .gif to capture the mood (Giphy has a pretty thorough collection) and use it in an appropriate context, it probably beats boring ol’ words.
[Nothing after the initial email]
The way some email clients nests each email in a conversation, it bunches all you and your contact’s email endings or signoffs and signatures at the bottom. Consequently, after the first email, it may not make sense to keep including one.
Common, but practical
This one is formal, but appropriate for emails that serve serious purposes, like if you’re attending to a legal matter. Consequently, reserve this signoff for when you’re addressing senior people or attorneys.
This one is a bit boring since a lot of people do use it. In addition, it’s definitely a less formal and stiff alternative to ‘Sincerely’. Just the right amount of casualness and pep to be suitable to send to anyone.
Light hearted, fun
May the force be with you,
Two scenarios you can use this in without coming off too cheesy. On May the 4th and maybe if your contact is a diehard Star Wars fan.
Rock ’n’ roll,
This is a fun way to tell someone to have a lot of fun or success with something they’ll be doing soon. Another one of those casual email endings – not great for a formal email, perhaps.
This email ending may come off as you’re trying to be 25 again when you’re 10 years older. But if you’re trying to encourage your contact to seize an opportunity they’re a little hesitant about, this one encourages them to in a lighthearted, non-pushy way.
Thank God It’s Friday,
Know your contact had a long week? Remind them the glorious weekend is just hours away and the countdown to drinks on the patio has begun. Another one of the more casual email endings.
*happy dance*
Good news? Great news? Don’t just say “I got great news”. Describe to the other person how you’re really reacting, including the physical motions.
*champagne and confetti*
Something exciting just happened? Or soon to happen. Perhaps when a ‘woohoo’ just won’t suffice. How about laying how the specifics of how exactly you will celebrate?
Cheers to us saving the world, one [object related what you do] at a time,
Cheers to us saving the world, one perfectly groomed pet at a time,
If your contact and you work on a project together, probably nothing raises the camaraderie more than being able to joke with them about it.
And that’s a wrap!
Just finished a project? Shout it from the hills. Or either just announce it in some way in an email. Same thing.
There you have it, stop being boring!
Use these different email endings to wrap up messages in the most love-hate communication tool out there: email.
If you noticed a theme at all, it’s that many of the email endings use feel-good messages.
It’s that saying: “People don’t necessarily remember what you say, but they do remember how you make them feel.”
Readers are desensitized to run of the mill, polite email endings, since everybody else uses them.
So, be creative, and say something different.
Sometimes it only takes a few extra words to make a positive, lasting impression.
Additionally, our brains are wired to pay more attention to novelty. So if you use a more creative signoff, people are more likely to remember you and that’s the first step in the door to future opportunities and connections. Happy emailing!
What’s the funniest or most awkward email intro or signoff you’ve received? Please, share it in the comments below, so we can all learn what not to do!
I help my clients write 2-word purpose statements for their life or business. I suggest they modify it and use it as a tagline or sign off on their correspondence. Using this format: 2-Word Purpose / Sign-off; here are some examples:
Deepening Relationship / Let’s Deepen Our Relationship; or Looking for to Deepening our Relationship
Awakening Worth / Awakening Worth (she uses as it is)
Inspiring Hope / How May I Inspire Hope For You Today?
Liberating Greatness / May Your Greatness Be Liberated!
Being On-Purpose / Be On-Purpose!
That last one is mine.
Be On-Purpose!
Nice ones!
One I use a lot is “Have a great Revenue Capture Day!”
I found this article really helpful. Thanks!
Ha! Nice one, will have to give that a try!
I always go for formal ones like: ‘Best’, ‘Thank you in advance’ but they ae boring me. I’ll try ‘Stay awesome’ from your list. 🙂
I found another casual that I just love!
Well, I’ve got to get back to work. When I stop rowing, the slave ship just goes in circles. 😀
Thanks Anamarija, yes it’s a good one I used to use a lot back in the day, “thank you a TON in advance” – makes them want to do whatever you are asking them to do in the email. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder, it’s a great one.
What do you think about quotes?
Might work sometimes, depends how long they are and of course the context matter a LOT!
I found this article really helpful. Thanks!
I love signing off emails and this article has given me a boatload of endings to try!
Thanks Isatu! I love experimenting with all these to see which one improves my conversion.
Great read. I have updates my sign-off.
I think I may try this one that came to me….
Stay amazing,
Thanks Kim! Haha. Love that you’re already using one of them! Curious what were you looking to do when you searched for “email endings”?
I was searching for a new email close, because one I received (internally) was signed “Best”, and I do not know why, but it rubbed me the wrong way. I was like, “BEST WHAT”?? Mine was a boring “Thank you” in red (ha ha). I was going to use “Warmly” and then that made me think of luke warm tea, and then I thought, I am unique and my close should be as well! I have to use company etiquette, but we are pretty casual. As I read your piece, I decided , “Be/Stay Amazing”, was a good fit!!
That being said…….
Stay Amazing D!!
Haha, great story! I use “stay amazing” pretty often actually!
Haha some awesome ones in here which I might use. Not sure if I would use “Now go kick some ass,” though 😀
Haha, sometimes those crazy ones are the ones which get the response!
I thought this was a great article. Now I’ve got some great ideas running through my head. I’m looking forward to using them on my blog. ( I like how you used a table of contents too. Great idea for long articles)
Thanks! That was really inspiring – I was looking for something to remind someone what I’m all about. I work in an environmental company, so I started using Regards in Recycling but I wasn’t in love with it so i was searching for something else. This definitely should help me come up with something. My personal emails are often signed “peace, love and chocolate!”
Thanks for all the fish! 🙂
Glad I could be of help! Haha! Let me know what you change your email endings to 🙂
by the way have you see this? https://www.themuse.com/advice/70-different-email-signoffs-for-when-youre-sick-of-saying-best
Thanks for the spot! I wonder if they got the inspiration for theirs after reading this one? Haha.
One of my favs is “Your fan,”
It’s my simple way of saying “I’m cheering for you all the way.” And if I’m closer to them and really into what they’ve got going on, it’s “Your greatest fan,”
Love all of these though. You’ve expanded my world today. Many thanks.
Haha I like this one! I guess you can’t send this one to a everyone or many of folks you respond to, but I like this one!
Thanks for this article. It’s given me so many great ideas. I took notes and am going to use many of your send-offs. You take the send-off to a new art form. I read your post after I read a Forbes article on email send-offs that was incredibly boring. You rock!
From now on, I’ll end my emails with your inspiring send-offs followed by my favorite quote by Daisaku Ikeda, “When one sun rises, everything is illuminated.”
I live in the Sunshine City, St Petersburg, Florida. Do you have any more Sunshine City send off ideas?
Do tell!
Your greatest fan,
Jamie Lee Silver
Thank you Jamie! 🙂 Glad this list was useful and inspired you. Stay in touch.
Love this list Dmitry, very useful to to use as a resource to pick a new one from on a regular basis. I wonder which one of these impact response rates, do you have any data on this?
Thanks for the question Ed – I don’t have data on response rates but let me check with a few folks. I’d say a lot of it depends on the email text itself and not the sign off. Hope this makes sense.
I changed my sign off to “you rock” while thanking my professor in the end of the semester (we are usually casual and he hangs out with us, so I didn’t have to be formal with him). He responded with “you rock too” which I thought was the cutest thing ever.
So thank you. This article was absolutely helpful.
You rock,
yup I’ve done that one, sometimes I manually change them just to test from email to email. I spend a lot of my time in email.
Same as what others have said, fantastic article Dmitri. Useful content all the way.
What if I don’t want to show any indication of positive feelings toward the recipient of the email?
good question Gus, in that case, don’t sing off the email I’d say. Best to just stay silent vs. express any type of negativity.
Years ago, my brother, who was in the Navy, ended his letter, “Well time to hang some clothes on this line.”
Jane – I like this ending. Makes me smile. I might try it for an email just to see the reaction on the other side.
And why not? I use it often. My brother’s email was YOLO; you only live once. So cute. But what I liked best was his
words, before signing which were:” Keep the Faith”. Boy, this is needed today.